
Missing rackup on clean install

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I initialized a new roda project using Gemfile:

source ""

git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "{repo_name}" }

gem 'roda'
gem 'roda-http-auth'
gem 'rack-cors'
gem 'pg'
gem 'dotenv'
gem "aws-sdk-s3"

normally i would never have to specify rackup as a gem dependency.

Now i had to add gem 'rackup'

Is this a deliberate change?

That's change in Rack 3, the rackup command has been extracted into a separate gem.

As mentioned, this is expected in Rack 3, not related to Roda. If you specify a Rack version < 3 in your Gemfile, then Rack 2 will be installed, and rackup will be available. You may consider using puma instead of rackup.

Thank you guys for quick replies!

Any specific reason for recommending puma over rackup @jeremyevans

Rackup is not a server itself, it just tries to find a server and execute it. I think puma is rackup's first choice. Unless you have specific needs, puma is the best choice for a Ruby webserver these days.