
Formatting Preference for Contributions with Series Content

lsh opened this issue · 2 comments

lsh commented

I was curious if there is any preferred formatting for content that is part of a series.

Some articles that come to mind are A Trip Through The Graphics Pipeline (which could have a general tag of GPU hardware and pipelining) or Carnegie Mellon's Computer Graphics Course (which could include everything from mesh processing to path tracing, to just a general tag "course").

Each section has has an area of focus, so the tags would be more specific, but at the same time submitting each segment individually could be undesirable for organizational reasons.

That's an interesting point! I wonder if it would make sense to have a "master" entry that can then link out to the individual entries, which could then have their own tags.

lsh commented

I thought some more about this and I could see different situations where different behaviors are preferable. Using the above content as example pieces:

  • If I wanted to search for courses in general, seeing ~25 entries for a single course might be undesirable
  • If I wanted to search for primitive assembly, I would mainly only care about part 5 of a trip through the graphics pipeline

I'm not sure which case is more common or preferable, but I think @TheRealMJP's point about "master" entries lines up with how, for instance, ACM's digital library entries for journals work.