
RubyDoc documentation doesn't match what is available on

komidore64 opened this issue · 1 comments

Documentation on shows ruby-trello (1.6.0) while the newest gem available on is 2.0.0.'s page points to a, but it looks like that doesn't exist.

The documentation has been correct for me so far until I've attempted to call #update_fields(fields) on a card. It looks like documented fields don't match up with what the method wants. Specifically in my case I need to pass in an "id" (string) key whereas an :id (symbol) key is instructed. Thanks!

@komidore64 Good call out. Here I am 8 months later! I am seeing some discrepancies from Card.update_fields and the rest of the Model update_fields method implementations. It looks pretty straight forward: Just adding the symbol -> string conversion and making sure the docs are in sync with the changes. I might jump on it later, or if you or someone else would like to submit the PR that would be fine as well.