Data Generation

Default workflow

To scrape Dutch tweets and automatically translate them:

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies,
  2. ./ to scrape and immediately translate Dutch tweets to English.

Advanced workflow

Because we wanted to manually drop nonsensical tweets in between these steps, we had a different workflow to create data. This way, we could subdivide the manual work among all five authors.

Our workflow:

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies,
  2. python to scrape tweets,
  3. split up result (tweets_dutch.txt) into 5 subsets, one for each author,
  4. all authors dropped their nonsensical tweets manually,
  5. all authors labelled their tweets,
  6. all authors translated their tweets using python (edited to include paths to personal Dutch and English files)
  7. recombine authors' Dutch, English and label files into:
    • /data processing/combined/tweets_dutch.txt
    • /data processing/combined/tweets_english.txt
    • /data processing/combined/labels.txt
  8. ran python "/data processing/combined/"

The resulting files (dutch.csv and english.csv) are loaded by our Colab notebook.

Training and Validation

For the steps we have taken in order to train our model and analyse its performance, please have a look at our Colab notebook.