
Textures not showing on the copied script.. & How do you allow to rotate 360 with click and drag?

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Hi! first I want to thank you so much for creating this code it has helped me allot!

I am wanting to have the planet mars as the feature of my new website and I was hoping you could help with a bug I have been having. I have placed your Jquery into my index page, however, the textures are not pulled from the scripts and appear as a dark black sphere. I have tested the basic.html and that works so I think its to do with the root directory. but I can't figure it out...

`<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='js/examples/vendor/three.js/build/three.min.js'></script>
<script src='../MARS_WEBSITE/js/threex.planets.js'></script>
<body style='margin: 0px; background-color: white; overflow: hidden;'><script>`  

on the other hand I am wanting to be able to rotate 360 around the planet without using my mouse. I have switched "mousemove" to "click" but it is a little poor. I am after a click and drag bit like google earth.. if you know away then let me know or were to add the code i need too as I cant see it...

Thanks Again!