
Opening and saving documents with $date zeroes out millis for all $dates in the document

torgeir opened this issue · 8 comments

It seems MongoHub does not take milliseconds of a date into account, hence, opening and saving a document, without modifying it, will clear out the millis of a date.

Steps to reproduce:
Save a document with some $date field
"someDate": { "$date": 1384297199999.00000 }

Read it back out, it shows as
"someDate": { "$date": 1384297199000.00000 }

Save it, and milliseconds are lost. The date is now in fact 1384297199000.00000 i mongodb.

Thanks for the fast response! 👍

Btw, is there a dev/test (.app) build available for download, that reflects whatevers currently in master?

Not yet...

I did a test to make sure mongohub doesn't modify a document if you open it, and save it without changing anything. This test failed on this bug. I would like to fix that bug before doing the next build. I should be able to do that over the week-end. But meanwhile, I can send you a build by email, if you want.

That would be great!

Fixed in 2.5.14, I let you close this issue after testing this new release.

Looks good to me!