
Failed to read 6048 bytes from socket

genseric opened this issue · 13 comments

maybe related to the big collection count(>3800) i am receiving this error.

the log of the error is

8/28/14 4:57:50.616 PM MongoHub[69713]: ++ stream Failure to buffer 6048 bytes: Failed to buffer 5028 bytes within 300000 milliseconds.
thanks :)

I'm having the same sort of problem, but when querying documents (188 documents):

2014-09-22 14:49:15 +0000 warning Failure to buffer 283441 bytes: Could only buffer 32764 of 283441 bytes in 300000 milliseconds.

In this case the connection is SSL...

This remains a problem in b13:

2014-09-30 09:08:42 +0000 warning Failure to buffer 283441 bytes: Could only buffer 32764 of 283441 bytes in 300000 milliseconds.

2014-09-30 09:08:43 +0000 warning Failure to buffer 283441 bytes: Could only buffer 32764 of 283441 bytes in 300000 milliseconds.

2014-09-30 09:08:50 +0000 warning Failure to buffer 283441 bytes: Could only buffer 32764 of 283441 bytes in 300000 milliseconds.

even if you increase the timeout?

Yes indeed. But this is more in the selection (mongo find) then it is during the connection phase. I've also found that the number of records in the collection makes no difference (for me).

TLDR: I'm connected to mongo database, I click the collection and press RUN and get this error. It tells me: Total results x (0.00s), but not showing any records.

Oh and one final note: It says 300000 milliseconds, that's 5 minutes if I'm not mistaken.
I haven't waited 5 minutes for these results, it's instant.

Let me know how it works with b14. It might work now.

With b14 it gives me:

2014-10-04 07:05:05 +0000 warning Failure to buffer 283441 bytes: Could only buffer 32764 of 283441 bytes in 300000 milliseconds.

This is upon selecting the collection, it tells me that there are 217 records, but doesn't show me any.

These are the settings I use:

screen shot 2014-10-04 at 09 07 19

Too bad there is nothing in Console.log or anything additional in the logs that allows me to tell you more about the issue.

Would this only occur with SSL connections? Connecting to my local machine works just fine, with pretty much the same database (as it's a restore from the backup of the db I have problems with).

Really would like to use my favourite MongoDB client again :) Robomongo feels clunky.

Yes, I think the problem is only for SSL. It should work with b15

Perfect, the selecting of documents is fixed!

The only thing that remains is an error on first connect:

  1. Quit MongoHub
  2. Start MongoHub
  3. Select an SSL-enabled host and see the error: Failed to connect to target host.

Sadly it’s very intermittent, it just sometimes doesn’t work (A thing we programmer’s don’t like to hear).
There’s nothing in the logs about this either.

Timeout is set to 2000 ms, SSL and Weak Certificate are ticked.

On 04 Oct 2014, at 21:40, Jérôme Lebel wrote:

Yes, I think the problem is only for SSL. It should work with b15

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub #140 (comment).

This second issue should be in fact #126 and I think it should be fixed with b17

Should be fixed in 3.0. You can verify this issue, and close it.

This also works for me ... !

3.0 works great.