
App close on replica set connection

pcorderoe opened this issue · 13 comments

when i try to connect using a replica set option the program close. I have a cluster over Google Cloud. I'll try to connect using this mongodb://,xx.xx.xx.xx:27017 but don't work. Please help!

Which version do you use? Do you mean there is a crash? Can you give me the full details of the crash?

I'm able to connect to a replicaset, using the following for the servers field:,,

If you enter it exactly like this, does it still crash?
Also have you filled in a "Set Name"?

If it still doesn't work, can you show a screenshot of the settings?

Thanks for your answers. I fill form like this:

Name:Replica Set
Set Name: rs0
Servers: mongodb://,
ReadMode: Primary Preferred

errormongohub.pdf | uploaded via ZenHub

Can you drop the mongodb:// and try again?

i try (without mongodb://) but show an error message: No aceptable peer could be found

do you use ssh tunneling?

Can you connect to each of the servers from the command line using the following?

mongo --host

If not, what are you using? Also the output of rs.status() on the mongo console might help debug this.

i am using normal connection, with Server: Standalone, one connection for each server, and work fine

I'm not using ssh tunneling

Should be fixed in 3.1. I let you verify this issue and close it.

same problem here, can not connect replica set, but can connect to each stand alone server

do we need to wait until the mongo 3.1 to fix this issue?