Doesn't work with touch scroll
Opened this issue · 5 comments
On "laplets" like the Surface Pro 3. I had to use my trackpad to test it at all ;-)
Could you give a bit more detail about what exactly is not working and which type of input we're talking about?
The whole thing.
On the demo page, when using the touchscreen on Chrome 45.0.2431.0 (Official Build) dev-m (64-bit)
on Windows 8.1 on Microsoft's Surface Pro 3 (and I can only assume similar touchscreen windows devices), begining a touch-event in a scroll-scope
and dragging to scroll, up or down, will scroll to the end of the element then continue scrolling the page.
Actually, I just tested it on the Nexus 5 (Android 5.1.1, Chrome), and the same thing occurs -- when beginning a touch event in a scroll-scope
container and touch scrolling, scrolling past the content ends then continues to scroll the page.
Great, much more informative, thank you. I got multiple reports of it not working on Android, so I need to do more testing there. Based on your description it sounds like the issue is legit and shouldn't occur.
...hello - yes this could be the 100% solution I have been after particularly with using modal windows, which to stop the body element scrolling I have had to trigger the parent element to 'position':'fixed' and on modal close back to 'position':'relative'
As per the post above, "data-scroll-scope" works on most desktop browsers [Not working Firefox**] and works on ios devices, using data-scroll-scope="force", however not working android - my test device a nexus 7 android 5.0.0, chrome 44.0.2403.128
For android fix I am keeping trigger events I have on modal window open by using
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) {$('body').css({'overflow':'hidden'});}
& close modal
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) {$('body').css({'overflow':'auto'});}
If "data-scroll-scope" can work across all OS's & devices then a great plugin that I would love to implement fully and get rid of using my "work arounds"
**Firefox - if persist scrolling with trackpad, after 3 scrolls, on fourth body scroll resumes
Is there a new version in the works?
thanks, Col
Sorry for the inactivity, I've been out travelling for a while.
There hasn't been any updates after the initial release unfortunately, I need to dive in with a bunch of test devices to get the right additional checks for various devices. Right now it's a known issue that a) this doesn't (always) work on Android.
Firefox on desktop actually relies on native behavior, which I'm hesitant to block further as FF plays relatively nice here.