
This repository is an example Android Application that is built during a Presentation. Currently the App has been develop only in Android environment, thus all the instructions are based on Android dev only.

Environment Setup

This project has been built with React Native. To prepare your environment, follow the official instructions from here React Native: Getting Started, using instructions under the tab Building Project With Native Code.

It is important to instal Java JDK version 8, I've used the OpenJDK and installed it with homebrew

brew tap caskroom/cask
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew cask install java8

If you have multiple JDKs, set the JAVA_HOME environment to point to correct version.

Firebase & Credentials setup

To be able to compile this app yourself, you need to have a Firebase project and add Android project to it and download its credentials. This flow is outside the scope of this demo.

Repository Setup

This repository has been setup to support different steps in the presentation, so each of the steps have been split into their own branches.