
disable API calls for 'object free callback'

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Object free callback needs to disable API calls while in execution.
Simple flag, in global, will do.


bool jerry_api_is_enabled = true;

JERRY_ASSERT (jerry_api_is_enabled);
if (!jerry_api_is_enabled)
return ...;


if (!jerry_api_is_enabled)

and two internal interfaces: jerry_disable_api () and jerry_restore_api ()

added "api_availability" branch and initial code 6646a34 committed.

development branch has moved to seanshpark/api_availability_dev

Review comments:

+  do { \
+    JERRY_ASSERT(jerry_api_availability); \
+    if (!jerry_api_availability) \
+      return RETVAL; \
+  } while (false);

As calling unavailable API is incorrect anyway, maybe it is better to implement CHECK_API_AVAILABILITY as following:

 * Assert that it is correct to call API in current state.
 * Note:
 *         By convention, there can be some states when API could not be invoked.
 *         While, API can be invoked jerry_api_available flag is set,
 *         and while it is incorrect to invoke API - it is not set.
 *         The procedure checks that it is correct to invoke API in current state.
 *         If it is correct, procedure just returns; otherwise - engine is stopped.
 * Note:
 *         TODO: Add states when API could not be invoked, when they would appear.
 *         // "API could not be invoked in the following cases:"
 *         //    - ... .
static void
jerry_assert_api_available (void)
  if (!jerry_api_available)
} /* jerry_assert_api_available */

 * Turn on API availability
static void
jerry_make_api_available (void)
  jerry_api_available = true;
} /* jerry_make_api_available */

 * Turn off API availability
static void
jerry_make_api_unavailable (void)
  jerry_api_available = false;
} /* jerry_make_api_unavailable */

thank you for the code. it's applied to brach seanshpark/jerryscript

precommit test (actually after commit) done.

make precommit -s -j8 

I'll merge this code to objfreecb_dev when it's ok.

#10 done