
Precomputed ScanNet for all alphafold structures/PDB structure

Closed this issue · 2 comments

very nice work indeed! Do you happen to have precomputed the ScanNet binding probabilities for all alphafold/PDB structures and is there perhaps a way to download all of them?
very many thanks, Andreas

Dear Andreas,
Thank you for your interest in ScanNet.
Unfortunately, we don't have precomputed values for all AlphaFold/PDB structures.
It is possible to run the network over a list of inputs. For instance,

python list_inputs.txt --noMSA

Where list_inputs.txt is a simple text file such as:


The .txt extension is mandatory. All the results will be stored in the prediction folder.

If you need to run it over a few hundreds of structures, this should work fine. Hope this will help you.

thank you!