
Analysis of US PM2.5 emissions from EPA National Emissions Inventory

Primary LanguageR

Exploratory Analysis - US Emissions Data


This repository contains 7 R scripts and 6 png plot files:

  • downloadData.R - code that downloads and unzips the emissions data
  • plot1.R - plots total US emission by year (output: plot1.png)
  • plot2.R - plots Baltimore emissions by year (output: plot2.png)
  • plot3.R - plots Baltimore emissions by collection source type (output: plot3.png)
  • plot4.R - plots US coal combustion related emissions by year (output: plot4.png)
  • plot5.R - plots Baltimore motor vehicle related emissions by year (output: plot5.png)
  • plot6.R - plots Baltimore and LA motor vehicle related emissions by year (output: plot6.png)


The R downloadData.R script downloads and unzips the data. While the plot*.R scripts perform various exploratory data analysis and plotting of the emissions data.

How to use *.R

Run source("downloadData.R") to download and unpack the emissions data.

Unpacked data files:

  • summarySCC_PM25.rds - the emissions data by fips location code, SCC emission code, Pollutant, Emissions value, collection type, and year
  • Source_Classification_Code.rds - the table explaining each SCC emission code

Run plot*.R to plot the data and write the output plots to a corresponding png file plot*.png in your working directory.


plot*.R depends on dplyr and gpplot2. If not installed, it will download and install the these packages.