
Add peg numbering as a display option, as well as a letter for each (oriented) piece

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello, The saving of the file as a compact PNG is great, but it would also be nice to be able to talk about the board over the phone or in a discussion. Instead of saying "add a blue bit oriented to the right on the peg that is two below and three right of the top interceptor", what about using references ? Like "on peg 21, add a piece BR". So each peg would be automatically numbered when creating the board of a certain size, and each piece would be named by one letter (two if there is an orientation). Combined to the other suggestion opened a few minutes ago of having a text box, it would help a lot expanding discussions. The display of the peg numbering and the pieces would be activated by a toggle switch. Thank you for the fun you give us playing online !