
Trouble Editing Config

xeruf opened this issue · 2 comments

xeruf commented

When I press e I get an empty file, urging me to memorize the relevant sequences.
I'd rather be presented with a commented out config like usually on Linux (e.g. sshd), so I can modify rather than copy over.

Further more, I added the following but it is not applying:

  returnImmediately: true

So, why does this default to false?
I understand maybe when you are following the logs of a container that dies while you view it, but why wouldn't it automatically return to the gui after e.g. editing the config file?

I would default this to false

But it does default to false?

xeruf commented

Ah, it only applies after restart.
Well, that should be clarified somewhere.

xeruf commented

Also, is there something like f for fullscreen so I can at least handily copy out the config defaults from the main panel?
Could use some inspiration from k9s :)