
Config not merged with default

geriwald opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
My config file settings are ignored, although a syntax error in that file causes an error.

To Reproduce

  1. copy the default config file to .config/lazydocker/config.yml
  2. restart lazydocker
  3. an error occurs : syntax error line xxx
  4. remove the typo that causes an error in the sidePanelWidth second comment
  5. restart lazydocker
  6. the settings are ignored, and the About panel shows the default settings instead of my "lazydocker config merged with the defaults"

Expected behaviour
My settings should be merged with the default

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: debian
  • Lazydocker Version
Version: 0.20.0
Date: 2022-11-12T04:29:12Z
BuildSource: binaryRelease
Commit: 530dbbe57009f4596bfeedba1c8169becd98b9a8
OS: linux
Arch: amd64

Settings file

  scrollHeight: 2
  language: 'auto' # one of 'auto' | 'en' | 'pl' | 'nl' | 'de' | 'tr'
      - green
      - bold
      - white
      - blue
  returnImmediately: true
  wrapMainPanel: true
  # Side panel width as a ratio of the screen's width
  sidePanelWidth: 0.333
  # Determines whether we show the bottom line (the one containing keybinding
  # info and the status of the app).
  showBottomLine: true
  # When true, increases vertical space used by focused side panel,
  # creating an accordion effect
  expandFocusedSidePanel: true
  timestamps: false
  since: '' # set to '' to show all logs
  tail: '200' # set to 200 to show last 200 lines of logs
  dockerCompose: docker-compose
  restartService: '{{ .DockerCompose }} restart {{ .Service.Name }}'
  up:  '{{ .DockerCompose }} up -d'
  down: '{{ .DockerCompose }} down'
  downWithVolumes: '{{ .DockerCompose }} down --volumes'
  upService:  '{{ .DockerCompose }} up -d {{ .Service.Name }}'
  startService: '{{ .DockerCompose }} start {{ .Service.Name }}'
  stopService: '{{ .DockerCompose }} stop {{ .Service.Name }}'
  serviceLogs: '{{ .DockerCompose }} logs --since=60m --follow {{ .Service.Name }}'
  viewServiceLogs: '{{ .DockerCompose }} logs --follow {{ .Service.Name }}'
  rebuildService: '{{ .DockerCompose }} up -d --build {{ .Service.Name }}'
  recreateService: '{{ .DockerCompose }} up -d --force-recreate {{ .Service.Name }}'
  allLogs: '{{ .DockerCompose }} logs --tail=300 --follow'
  viewAlLogs: '{{ .DockerCompose }} logs'
  dockerComposeConfig: '{{ .DockerCompose }} config'
  checkDockerComposeConfig: '{{ .DockerCompose }} config --quiet'
  serviceTop: '{{ .DockerCompose }} top {{ .Service.Name }}'
  openLinkCommand: open {{link}}
    - caption: CPU (%)
      statPath: DerivedStats.CPUPercentage
      color: blue
    - caption: Memory (%)
      statPath: DerivedStats.MemoryPercentage
      color: green

The settings in ld's About panel :

"lazydocker config merged with the defaults"

Could you please post the entire config?

how do you get the version ?

Just run: lazydocker --version

FWIW, can confirm this happens even if CONFIG_DIR is set (which takes any "are you sure your config file is in the right place" questions off the table).