
Custom command params substitution

joihn opened this issue ยท 5 comments

joihn commented

thanks for this tool. small issue:

Describe the bug
on latest master (as of 12may), custom command parameter subsitution is not working. The bug does not appear on latest relase.

To Reproduce

  1. build from master as of 12 may
  2. use this example custom command
    - name: bash
      attach: true
      command: 'docker exec -it {{ .Container.ID }} bash'
      serviceNames: []
  1. try to launch the custom command
    Container.ID does not get correctly subsituted. it stay as it when sent to bash

ubuntu 20.04, x86

I think it's the same what I stumbled upon, seems to be introduced by #387 .

And now I think it get into the latest release 0.21.0.

I have this custom command trying to update a service's image by doing docker compose pull && docker compose up.

    - name: update-service
      attach: true
      command: '{{ .DockerCompose }} pull {{ .Service.Name }} && {{ .DockerCompose }} up {{ .Service.Name }}'

Run it and I get this

CleanShot 2023-07-21 at 14 46 20@2x

For anyone wondering how to downgrade back to 0.20.0 via homebrew - you can use the following snippet:

brew uninstall lazydocker
brew install -s lazydocker.rb
rm ./lazydocker.rb

This should now be fixed in (waiting on homebrew to merge it). Sorry it took so long! Thanks to @mark2185 for the fix

I believe it has been merged into homebrew so this issue can be closed.