
gui.mouseEvents: true disables mouse, not gui.ignoreMouseEvents: true

valankar opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
gui.mouseEvents: true is what is used to disable the mouse. The documentation states it should be gui.ignoreMouseEvents but that's not the case. Also gui.mouseEvents: true sounds like it should enable the mouse, but it actually disables it.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux
  • Lazydocker Version 0.21.1

I agree this is confusing. I can see 4 years ago the flag was changed internally from MouseEvents to IgnoreMouseEvents and the logic inverted. However the yaml option wasn't changed from mouseEvents.

I'm not sure how you'd change this now without maintaining backwards compatibility? Could possibly create a new option called ignoreMouseEvents and deprecate mouseEvents. Could also just improve the docs to make it more clear.
Would be an easy fix either way, just depends on how they'd want to tackle it.