
Add "Update Submodule" to the context menu of submodules in the "Files" list.

Dagur opened this issue · 2 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
If I want to update a submodule I have to open the submodules list and press "u" on it there. It would save me the extra steps if I could just select the submodule in the Files list instead and do it there.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add "Update Submodule" to the context menu of submodules in the "Files" list.

Describe alternatives you've considered
I can use the Submodules list but this would be quicker.

Would a custom command help you?

E.g. for updating all of the submodules:

  - key: 'U'
    command: 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
    context: 'files'
    description: 'Update submodules'
    stream: true

You could probably set something up for updating the currently selected submodule as well (didn't test this):

  - key: 'u'
    command: 'git submodule update -- {{.SelectedFile.Name}}'
    context: 'files'
    description: 'Update submodule'

Thanks. I can use that.