
Risky enter confirmation

Opened this issue · 3 comments

undg commented

lazygit can do a many irreversible changes in git repo (local and remote). For those changes we have extra confirmation step with popup widow what is rely good idea. What is not so great and danger, is that confirmation is on <CR>. It would be nice to rebind it to y/n or at least have an option to do so in config.

Your thoughts
Lets take example that makes me a bit anxious every time I'm doing it with lazygit.

  1. Go to Branch window, select branch
  2. d to delete
  3. In option window arrow down on "Delete remote branch" or stay on "Delete local branch"
  4. enter followed by second enter to delete and confirm

This is common workflow for many actions with confirmation.

There's a similar discussion in this thread.

undg commented

Also similar discussion here #3300 , though they are are about specific use cases, I'm more about general approach.