
Installing Lazygit with Go, dependency download failed

menkan opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Describe the bug

go: downloading v0.0.0-20231001195015-d933f0d94ea3
D:\usr\local\go\pkg\mod\\jesseduffield\lazygit@v0.41.0\pkg\config\user_config.go:6:2: invalid version: unknown revision d933f0d94ea3

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. go install

Expected behavior
install success. and run build

Version info:
git version

@karimkhaleel It looks like we were referencing the main branch of your fork, and you rebased it, is that right? Rebasing it is fine in principle, but you should push a tag pointing to the previous head of main that we referenced, just to retain it (the name of the tag doesn't matter).

Do you still have the commit d933f0d94ea3 in your local repo and could push a tag pointing to it? That should solve it (I hope).

The manual installation was successful.

I changed the dependency version number in the go.mod file.

github. com/karimkhalel/jsonschema v0.0.0-20231105093532-44bdb914ed9c

go install successful

I hope this issue can be fixed. Thank you very much

My bad! Force of habit. I found d933f0d94ea3 on my other computer. Pushed a new branch and a tag.

I was able to run go install without issue even before I pushed the branch and tag. I am not familiar with dependency management in go. I removed the directory of the package: ~/go/pkg/mod/ as well, and it was still working fine. Was go finding the commit in my local repo somehow?

Verified, can be installed through go install