Omitting a hyphen from long-arguments doesn't fail with extra arguments as it should
dsoprea opened this issue · 0 comments
dsoprea commented
This is my argument configuration:
type parameters struct {
Filepath string `short:"f" long:"filepath" required:"true" description:"File-path of image"`
PrintAsJson bool `short:"j" long:"json" description:"Print out as JSON"`
IsVerbose bool `short:"v" long:"verbose" description:"Print logging"`
ThumbnailOutputFilepath string `short:"t" long:"thumbnail-output-filepath" description:"File-path to write thumbnail to (if present)"`
DoNotPrintTags bool `short:"n" long:"no-tags" description:"Do not actually print tags. Good for auditing the logs or merely checking the EXIF structure for errors."`
SkipBlocks int `short:"s" long:"skip" description:"Skip this many EXIF blocks before returning"`
DoUniversalTagSearch bool `short:"u" long:"universal-tags" description:"If tags not found in known mapped IFDs, fallback to trying all IFDs."`
var (
arguments = new(parameters)
func main() {
_, err := flags.Parse(arguments)
if err != nil {
If you accidentally pass -filepath
instead of --filepath
, two things should happen: 1) 'ilepath' should be taken as the argument and go-flags should fail due to the provided argument now being an extra. However, it parses successfully and returned control to the caller, just to fail due to it being an invalid file-path.
Both of these have the same result:
$ go run command/exif-read-tool/main.go -filepath
*fs.PathError open ilepath: no such file or directory
/home/dustin/go/src/ (0x5cb7f7)
main: log.PanicIf(err)
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:225 (0x437cb6)
main: fn()
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1371 (0x468041)
goexit: BYTE $0x90 // NOP
exit status 254
$ go run command/exif-read-tool/main.go -filepath assets/gps.jpg
*fs.PathError open ilepath: no such file or directory
/home/dustin/go/src/ (0x5cb7f7)
main: log.PanicIf(err)
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:225 (0x437cb6)
main: fn()
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1371 (0x468041)
goexit: BYTE $0x90 // NOP
exit status 254
REF: dsoprea/go-exif#61