
[Help] Global checks

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi! Can you please tell me how to implement global checks?

I have about 10 thousand cases and I really don't want to copy-paste, I'm looking for a solution similar to a decorator that will check its statuses and headers after each test.

I implemented this thing, but it crashes the VScode extension. Maybe you can tell me what's better?

module.exports = {
  preset: 'ts-jest',
  testEnvironment: 'node',
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setup.js']
const originalTest = global.test;

global.test = (name, fn, timeout) => {
  return originalTest(
    async () => {
      const result = await fn();
      if (result && typeof result === 'object' && 'status' in result) {
        const isSuccessStatus = (status) => status >= 200 && status < 300;
        expect(() => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
      return result;

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