jetstack/kube-oidc-proxy in amazon demo references google-config.json which does not exist

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When running through the demo for Amazon EKS, running CLOUD=amazon_cluster_1 make terraform_apply generates the following error:

Error: failed to execute "jq": jq: error: Could not open file ../../manifests/google-config.json: No such file or directory

  on line 1, in data "external" "cert_manager":
   1: data "external" "cert_manager" {

Error: failed to execute "jq": jq: error: Could not open file ../../manifests/google-config.json: No such file or directory

  on line 6, in data "external" "externaldns":
   6: data "external" "externaldns" {

make: *** [terraform_apply] Error 1

The dns TF script is referencing a file google-config.json that does not exist at the path in the script:

data "external" "cert_manager" {
  program = ["jq", ".cert_manager", "../../manifests/google-config.json"]
  query   = {}

data "external" "externaldns" {
  program = ["jq", ".externaldns", "../../manifests/google-config.json"]
  query   = {}

Addressed in patch #103