
Autocomplete doesn't work for me for some reason, despite following all the install instructions.

krompus opened this issue · 3 comments

(yes, I put the stuff in my .bashrc)

Example: If I try to autocomplete $ vman ma:

[krompus@creator ~]$ vman mabash: completion: function `_man' not found
[krompus@creator ~]$ vman mail/

It seems it's trying (and succeeding) to autocomplete from the pwd, and not the man pages. Any ideas?

(This is a beautiful program by the way! Finally, I can have :set scrolloff=5 in man pages!)

jez commented

For me the bash version only works if the complete ... command comes after the declaration of vman().

However, it looks like you might have a separate issue. If _man isn't found that means that you either don't have completion support for the normal man command right now, or it's called something else. you can run type _man to check if the function really is defined.

If it's not actually there, I'd imagine that you'll have to install the bash-completion package. For example, this can be done on OS X through Homebrew:

brew install bash-completion

and make sure that you read the instructions in the caveats after installation.

None of that applies (complete ... comes after vman(), _man exists, bash-completion is already installed), I'm not sure what else I'd try. I don't use bash (in favor of zsh) personally anymore, so I've gotten a bit rusty.

Regardless of all this, the completion results in bash don't look like they cover everything (for example, vman ma doesn't include man). I might have to look into why this is.

Hahaha, that's exactly the problem. I have bash-completion installed, everything off that list is a-okay.

The problem was that I was trying to autocomplete man, lol. Other autocompletions work.

I'll do some testing. Maybe it's something unique to certain letter strings, like ma? Weird.

Thanks for your help and rapid response!

EDIT: wait, whaaaa? Now it autocompletes just fine. I didn't change anything.


I'm switching to zsh soon anyways. :)

EDIT: wait, whaaaa? Now it autocompletes just fine. I didn't change anything.

As some completion functions are dynamically loaded in bash, _man is defined only if you first try to tab complete with man command. (
The obvious workaround could be to add "_completion_loader man" just before "complete -o default -o nospace -F _man vman" in your bash configuration file.

My vim-superman configuration lines in bash would be something like:

# Man pages with vman with bash completion
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.vim/path_to_vim_superman/vim-superman/bin" 
_completion_loader man   
complete -o default -o nospace -F _man vman