pointerInput not working in MarkdownText
Closed this issue · 3 comments
markdown = message,
modifier = Modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
onLongPress = {
Log.d("TAG", "long pressed")
This doesn't work, if I use normal text the above code works perfectly.
I also have issues with the following:
Box(Modifier.clickable { println("clicked ") }) {
MarkdownText("Click Here")
It seems it works if you tap just above the text but not directly on it :/ It works perfectly fine if you change it to just Text
I also have issues with the following:
Box(Modifier.clickable { println("clicked ") }) { MarkdownText("Click Here") }
It seems it works if you tap just above the text but not directly on it :/ It works perfectly fine if you change it to just
So wrapping it with box worked?
I made the change below to solve it for me.
There are several lines of comments that says:
// In MarkdownText()
// this option will disable all clicks on links, inside the markdown text
// it also enable the parent view to receive the click event
disableLinkMovementMethod: Boolean = false
So you can just pass a parameter to solve the problem:
markdown = """
# Markdown Text
This is a simple markdown text.
disableLinkMovementMethod = true,
modifier = Modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
detectTapGestures(onLongPress = {
context, "On long press", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT
However, which will disable all clicks on links, inside the markdown text, so I am trying to find a good way to accommodate such issues.