#Rails Girls Manila ##Installation Party at SourcePad Lounge ###23rd November 2012

Introduction by Co-organizer/Coach Katherine Pe
Demo by Coach Bryan Bibat

Installed the following...

Created a sample Rails app called "testapp"...

  • Create new rails app

    $ rails new testapp

  • Change directory (cd)

    $ cd testapp

  • Create basic functionality

    /testapp $ rails generate scaffold post title:string content:text

  • Prepare database

    /testapp $ rake db:create

  • Create database

    /testapp $ rake db:migrate

  • Check if Rails server is running

    /testapp $ rails server

    (To stop the server: Ctrl C)

Learned about Git (version control system)...

  • Initialize git repository

    git init

  • Add all files to the repo

    git add .

  • Record the changes to the repo

    git commit -m "Initial commit"