[FEATURE] MSVC (unit.api.exe) for sse2
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DenisYaroshevskiy commented
Struggle through MSVC beeing special.
Here is how I managed to build localy on Windows.
- Intall visual studio community 2022
- Install git
- Install cmake
- Clone https://github.com/jfalcou/eve
- mk build && cd build
- cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -DEVE_NO_FORCEINLINE ..
- cmake --build . --target unit.arch.exe --config Debug
- ctest -C Debug --output-on-failure -R ^unit.arch.*.exe
This worked - except for warning. arch.exe
The goal is to make unit.api.exe work.
Previous struggles can be seen here:
On building things
Building entire unit.api.exe at once is not needed. Do it in parts.
Every folder and every test file have their own targets.
For example:
On committing
When some notable chunk is done, create a pr and put it to run on cli, like https://github.com/jfalcou/eve/pull/1736/files