SLAM with RTAB-Map in ROS1-noetic
RTAB-Map is released as binaries in the ROS distribution.
sudo aptitude install ros-noetic-rtabmap-ros
# Launches gazebo, rviz and spawns the robot
roslaunch map_my_q802 world.launch
# the teleop node
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
# the rtab mapping node
roslaunch map_my_q802 mapping.launch
rtabmap-databaseViewer is a great tool for exploring your database when you are done generating it. It is isolated from ROS and allows for complete analysis of your mapping session.
- Constraints View
- Graph View
- Occupancy Grid
# for example
rtabmap-databaseViewer ../MapMyQ802/map_my_q802/map/rtabmap.db