
Where am I in Q802: adaptive monte carlo localization in ROS1-noetic

Primary LanguageCMake



Where am I in Q802: Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization in ROS 1-noetic


aptitude update
aptitude install ros-noetic-navigation
aptitude install ros-noetic-map-server
aptitude install ros-noetic-move-base
aptitude install ros-noetic-amcl


Symlink where_in_q802 to your catkin workspace. For example:

ln -s where_in_q802 path/to/your/catkin_ws/src/where_in_q802

cd path/to/your/catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash

# Quick test
cd src
roslaunch where_in_q802 world.launch

Making a map of the Q802 world

I leveraged the pgm_map_creator from Udacity.
It requires boost.gil and a hacked version of pgm_map_creator (for ros-noetic). Details:

boost-gil 1.65

wget https://github.com/boostorg/gil/archive/boost-1.65.0.tar.gz
gunzip boost-1.65.0.tar.gz
tar -xvf boost-1.65.tar
cd gil-boost-1.65.0/include
sudo cp -r boost /usr/local/include

# Patch up gil a tiny bit:
vim extension/io/png_io_private.hpp
and add `#define int_p_NULL (int*)NULL`


cd path/to/your/catkin_ws/src/
git clone https://github.com/udacity/pgm_map_creator.git

pgm_map_creator requires changes per the patch file to allow it to work with ros-noetic. See pgm_map_creator.patch

Add and edit your world file

cd path/to/your/catkin_ws

# copy your world file
cp <YOUR GAZEBO WORLD FILE> src/pgm_map_creator/world/<YOUR GAZEBO WORLD FILE>

# Insert the map creator plugin to your map file. 
# Open the map file using the editor of your choice. 
# Add the following tag towards the end of the file, 
# but just before </world> tag
<plugin filename="libcollision_map_creator.so" name="collision_map_creator"/>

Making the map pgm file!

# run gzserver
gzserver src/pgm_map_creator/world/<YOUR GAZEBO WORLD FILE>

# in an a second byobu/screen/terminal:
roslaunch pgm_map_creator request_publisher.launch

# adjust the size of the map as needed by editing the x, y values of
# `launch/request_publisher.launch`

Add the map to your package

cd path/to/your/catkin_ws/
cp src/pgm_map_creator/maps/<YOUR MAP NAME>  src/<YOUR PACKAGE NAME>/maps/<YOUR MAP NAME>

# Also provide a yaml file for the map:
# http://wiki.ros.org/map_server#YAML_format

Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization: Launch

# term 1: the world, gazebo, rviz
roslaunch where_in_q802 world.launch

# term 2: map-server, amcl, move_base nodes
roslaunch where_in_q802 amcl.launch

Teleop Package

If you prefer to control your robot to help it localize itself, add the teleop node to your package.

git clone https://github.com/ros-teleop/teleop_twist_keyboard
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py

Further Reading