Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is a method of clustering which allows one piece of data to belong to two or more clusters, rather than belonging completely to one cluster. Points on the edge of a cluster may be in the cluster to a lesser degree than points in the center of cluster.
Here is an implementation in clojure.
This implementation requires initialization with the data points to be sorted, the initial cluster centroids, and fuzzy and accuracy values. The fuzzy parameter, a minimum of 2.0, affects the degree to which the data points are members of the clusters. A large fuzzy value technically results in smaller membership values and hence fuzzier clusters.
The fuzzy-cmeans algorithm supports clustering in n-dimensions (greater than zero!). Here data points and cluster centroids are of type ClusterPoint implemented with defrecord. However, a factory function exists to avoid having to use :import.
The below code from fuzzy-cmeans.test.core generates n random 2D data points via the factory method make-cluster-point:
(defn gen-cluster-points
[n xmin xmax ymin ymax]
(loop [m n ret (vector)]
(if (zero? m)
(dec m)
(conj ret
( + (mod (rand Integer/MAX_VALUE) (inc (- xmax xmin))) xmin) ;x
( + (mod (rand Integer/MAX_VALUE) (inc (- ymax ymin))) ymin));y
Below is an client implementation initializing and running fuzzy-cmeans:
(defn main
(let [in-fuzzy 2.0
eps (Math/pow 10 -10)
xmin 1 xmax 500
ymin 1 ymax 500
num-clusters 5
num-points 1000]
(let [data-pts (gen-cluster-points num-points xmin xmax ymin ymax)
centroids (gen-cluster-points num-clusters xmin xmax ymin ymax)]
; init fuzzy-cmeans
(fuzzy/init-cmeans data-pts centroids in-fuzzy eps)
; print clusters just for fun..
; run
At this point I use Incanter to visualize how the clustered data points shake out. Again please see fuzzy-cmeans.test.core.clj in test/
Copyright (C) 2010 josh finken
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.