
PGUSER Env Variable used for Role creation but not used for DB access

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It seems that if I run my tests with a default configuration and have the environment variable PGUSER unset, everything goes well.
However, if I have PGUSER set to postgres, for instance, I get a ConnectionTimedOut error.

By inspecting with netstat and manually connecting with psql while I wait for the timeout, it seems that the postgres user hasn't been created but is used by tmp-postgres when it tries to connect. Instead, my current user (mzabani in my case) is able to connect to the postgres DB but is not used by tmp-postgres when it tries to connect.

I'm not sure if this is actually a bug since I just started using tmp-postgres, so sorry if this is noise, and thanks for the library!

I think this is a bug.

The code that calls initdb uses the PGUSER environment for role creation but I don't think I use it for the connections parameters. I need process that is consistent so I should probably support the PGUSER in both cases.