
C assertions causing core dump without any useful message

macks22 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm getting the following with 0.2.9 (fresh pip install today):

python: ffm_als_mcmc.c:172: sparse_fit: Assertion `(sizeof (*w_0) == sizeof (float) ? __finitef (*w_0) : sizeof (*w_0) == sizeof (double) ? __finite (*w_0) : __finitel (*w_0)) && "w_0 not finite"' failed.
[1]    30860 abort (core dumped)  python classify.py --nsplits 1 -c fm --basic-descriptive --date  --subways ...

I'm using the als.FMClassifier via a wrapper class for one-vs-rest classification:

        from fastFM import als
        class FMClassifier(als.FMClassification):
            def fit(self, X, y, *args):
                y = y.copy()
                y[y == 0] = -1
                return super(FMClassifier, self).fit(X, y, *args)

            def predict_proba(self, X):
                probs = super(FMClassifier, self).predict_proba(X)
                return np.tile(probs, 2).reshape(2, probs.shape[0]).T

        from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
        return OneVsRestClassifier(
            FMClassifier(n_iter=500, random_state=42))

The data I was using to fit the model is attached. I tried to get a smaller dataset, but I was having trouble producing it when I cut things out.


Sorry, wrong repo!