
NumberAxis3D.getTickLabelFormatter() never used?

ThomasDaheim opened this issue · 3 comments


I was trying to change to format of the tick label using NumberAxis3D.setTickLabelFormatter - with no results. No matter what I set here the format is always the same.

When checking, how the formatter is used in the library I get

Usages of NumberAxis3D.getTickLabelFormatter [no occurrences]                

so it seems that this feature isn't used at all?

Have to answer myself with some findings :-)

As I can see from debugging, my value of tickLabelFormatter gets overwritten in Chart3D.draw -> Chart3D.findAxisTickUnits -> NumberAxis3D.selectTick with the value of this.tickSelector.getCurrentTickLabelFormat(). No wonder my formats don't get used...

Unfortunately, I don't see any method for NumberTickSelector.setCurrentTickLabelFormat :-( So how could I change the format of the output?

See my pull request for this one

jfree commented

Hmm, looks like I applied your fix in the 2.0 release, should have updated this ticket. Thanks for pointing out the bug!