
Regarding sunset of bintray

henrikgei opened this issue · 10 comments


This repo calls bintray to download the cli in this file: https://github.com/jfrog/setup-jfrog-cli/blob/master/src/utils.ts

According to this blog entry Bintray goes away soon, right?

So my question is:
Will there be an update to this repo to deal with this? Or where is the new recommended location to download the cli if we want to patch this ourselves?

I have also been seeing 403 error this morning.

We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience caused by this!
We'll soon release a patch that permanently replaces the download URL.

We've just released patch 1.1.2 with a fix for this issue.
Looking forward to your feedback.

I've tried to re-run some failing builds a few times without success. Still receiving a 403 error when trying to use this action. Working with internal teams to determine if there is something on our end additional needed.

@eyalbe4 Thank you for your quick response. I am seeing 'Unexpected HTTP response: 403' with default settings:

  • name: Setup JFrog CLI
    uses: jfrog/setup-jfrog-cli@v1.1.2

Wonder if

return ('https://api.bintray.com/content/jfrog/jfrog-cli-go/' + version + '/' + bintrayPackage + '/' + fileName + '?bt_package=' + bintrayPackage);
also needs update, don't really know javascript, and sorry if not related.

You're correct @SherryChengAwsTacFuji.
Give it a try now.
You can use

uses: jfrog/setup-jfrog-cli@v1

Looking forward to your feedback.

Latest update seems to have worked for my builds! Thank you so much!

Thanks for confirming @db250583.
All - please accept our apologies for the inconvinience caused by this incident!

Works for me too, appreciate the quick fix!