
Every invocation of terraform plan/apply updates the artifactory_proxy resource even when no changes

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

We define the following configuration:

resource "artifactory_proxy" "this" {
  key              = "my-proxy"
  host             = "my-proxy.com"
  port             = 3128
  platform_default = false

Every plan/apply now lists the following:

# artifactory_proxy.this will be updated in-place
~ resource "artifactory_proxy" "this" {
  # (7 unchanged attributes hidden)

Artifactory Version: 7.77.6 rev 77706900
Terraform Version: 1.8.0
Artifactory Provider: 10.3.1
Platform Provider: 1.4.1

Requirements for and issue

  • A description of the bug
  • A fully functioning terraform snippet that can be copy&pasted (no outside files or ENV vars unless that's part of the issue). If this is not supplied, this issue will likely be closed without any effort expended.
  • Your version of artifactory (you can curl it at $host/artifactory/api/system/version
  • Your version of terraform
  • Your version of terraform provider

Expected behavior
If nothing changes in the configuration the ressource should not be updated

Additional context

@mymasse Are you upgrading from a previous version of the provider? Or is this happening with new resource configuration for proxy?

The proxy as been defined for a while and we have been keeping the provider up to date, but to my recollection it's always complained about beeing updated during all subsequent plan/apply.

We have not tried on a new resource

@mymasse Thanks! I'm investigating now.

Confirmed bug is fixed with provider 10.7.2