
Very large number of samples produced

Opened this issue · 8 comments

When running example of gmsk frame sync with k (number of samples per symbol) = 203 with remaining parameter like filter length m=2 and BT = 0.5 the number of samples produced are quite large arround 1779261.
unsigned int num_samples = gmskframegen_getframelen(fg) + 800; .
This number of samples are producing large amount of delay when example is run standalone and not able to decode when did practically sending through plutosdr with 2 Msps. Any idea what could be wrong.
It works with k=2 with 2 Msps which is not practical for real scenario.
Can't liquiddsp handle large k values.

xerpi commented

Isn't the number of samples per symbol (sps) too high (203)?
From what I've seen, the usual is in the order of 5-20 sps.

I want to demodulate AIS waveform upconverted to plutosdr frequency range (483.07Mhz). The data rate is 9600 bps. So when sampling at 2 Msps the samples per symbol are 208, which is not working with liquid dsp. Ingact anything above 10 for sps not working. I don't understand how gnuradio decod3s AIS then.

xerpi commented

I think you can first convert to baseband (mixing) and then apply decimation (+FIR to get rid of aliasing) to around 5-20 sps.
Using a Polyphase decimator is a very efficient way to do decimation+FIR since it will only apply the FIR filter after decimation. In liquid-dsp I think this object implements that: https://liquidsdr.org/doc/firdecim/

Thanks, can you tell for tx also I need to use 208 samples per symbol from 2msps/9600, which liquiddsp not handle correctly but gnuradio in an open source project of AIS generator uses 208 samples per symbol and works correctly. So what I should do for tx part. Thanks for your time.

xerpi commented

For TX you can probably interpolate (aka upsample) to the target SPS and then mix from baseband to passband.
Check this liquid-dsp object: https://liquidsdr.org/doc/firinterp/

Thanks for quick response.
If say i initially used value of 10 sps and generate samples for gmsk, the resulting data rate would be 200 000 bps with sample rate of 2 Msps. Now to achieve 9600 bps how to proceed.

xerpi commented

Thanks for quick response. If say i initially used value of 10 sps and generate samples for gmsk, the resulting data rate would be 200 000 bps with sample rate of 2 Msps. Now to achieve 9600 bps how to proceed.

The samples per symbol would increase (like from 20 to 200) but the baud/data rate would be the same.
In other words, each symbol would have more samples, but the symbol rate would be the same.

In your mentioned solution, the number of samples per symbol in case of tx and rx which are input to gmsk modulator and demodulator would be low( 4 to 10 ) which is supported by liquid dsp. However the samples per symbol over the air wiuld be high. So would it benefit. I thought somehow if liquiddsp handles high number if samples then more frames would be decoded.