
A Django web application, coupled with Power Automate, that improves upon the Microsoft Teams class assignments feature. A final project requirement for Design and Analysis of Algorithms (DESALGO).

Primary LanguagePython


This is the code for the OpTeams application written in Python and Django. Developed by D.R. Caubang, E. Shiokawa, and J.G. Rivera.

Key directories

  • core - folder where most internal OpTeams files reside
  • opteams - folder where Django setup configuration files reside

Application dependencies

  • django
  • Whitenoise
  • Psycopg2
  • Gitignore
  • Dj-database-url
  • Dj-static
  • Static3
  • Gunicorn
  • django-heroku
  • stream-python

Setup a local development environment

See localdevguide.md