
Question about how to setup MG

sfjuocekr opened this issue · 1 comments


I have been looking over the documentation to setup my Thrustmaster 16kM sticks, what I wanted to do is define a mode switch button so I can map an extra layer of buttons depending on what mode button I have pressed.

Now I might be completely stupid or there is some misunderstanding on my side.

Anyway, I fire up MG and when I press a button on my stick there should be an event shown in the output?

Either way, whatever I do I can not get MG to recognize my sticks. I can see them in jstest fine they are located at /dev/input/js0 and js1.

Is there a rundown somewhere on how to setup something like this? Even if I would just had a single button working I could figure it out myself, but right now I have gotten nowhere in the past two days :(

Ok I just figured it out why I was not getting any inputs...

I had a name section and put in the value that lsusb reported to me, I just changed it to device and product ID's now.