
Maze GB Test

Closed this issue · 21 comments

Prove that each method in Maze returns the expected results.

Difficulty Rating: Moderate

sorry for cordinate you wanted a matrix? array of array?

Sorry, I am not exactly sure what you are asking... I believe you are talking about the Coordinate parameter, which will contain the column and row, in the Maze class. The Maze itself will contain an two diminsion array of Wall(s). The coordinate will be plugged into the array, for example:

Coordinate pos = ...

Wall[][] walls = ...

Wall atCoordinate = walls[ pos.getRow() ][ pos.getColumn() ];

I hope that answers your question :)

thanks for description.... i'm a principiant

No prob. Anytime!

do you think that i can help you?

You definately can! Just find an issue you would like to work on or you can create a new issue to describe what you would like to do. I will also open up more issues soon.

When you find an issue of your choice, just post to it letting people know you're working (that way no one else works on the same issue).

I am here for you, so, if you need any help with something, I will be at your service.

So you said "i'm a principiant." Does that mean you would like something easy to work on?

no in particular i'm an accademy student and i have to partecipate to open source project for a credits about one laboratory

Thats great! Amazing what they are teaching these days! I would recommend taking one of the implementation issues for example Coordinate Implementation. There are more to found here.

can you contact me?

Why sure...

i can't open this project with eclipse....i can't run a project as java application...because i wanted test main in a simple mode....only with a system.out.print but.... console didn't show nothing.

Okay, I see. The format of this project is independent of IDEs. You would need to open an existing ant project. You can use the following menu sequence:

->File | New | Project | Java Project From Existing Ant Build File

I found that from this link. I found that information from this search on google.

I hope that fixes your problem, but, maybe not...

Did you get it to work?

i'm trying to work....an undesrtand sometthing....for exemple i could make a junit test...what do you think about?

Yes! You could make a test unit. Would it help to see an example?

Do you have any friends that need a project?

yes why not....the problem is that i'm using smart git 3.0.4 but i can't show on browser my modification

Try git client. Goto github.com . You can find it at the bottom of the page. Let me know how that goes.

Alternatively, you could email your modification to me and I will show it in the browser.

thanks but i have to work with repository an also commands pull push commit merge etc...it's more impportant for me the approach...i'll write you tomorrow..here in italy it's later...thanks...

So I will post example later when I have access to my computer...

thank al lot...

I wrote an example inside the milestone. Let me know if you would like some more examples...