
Modern *client-sided* CAPTCHA

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


from SuperSillyHack 2018

clientsidedcaptcha.js is a modern client-sided CAPTCHA.


Key Features

  • Easy setup! See below..
  • Customizable "ReCAPTCHA"-style captcha content
  • Self-contained 11KB JS file, no external scripts or resources
  • No backend required
  • Does not collect user data - probably GDPR compliant

Out of scope

  • Preventing bot access


For most use cases, the first option is preferred. Only 4 steps!

Automatically bind challenge to a button

Insert clientsidedcaptcha.js into your page

<script src="clientsidedcaptcha.js"></script>

Implement a callback that will be run after the CAPTCHA is completed.

function formSubmit(){
  console.log("Form was successfully submitted");

Attach the callback by adding a data-callback to the challenge button.

<button type="submit" data-callback="formSubmit">Submit</button>

Initialize with your desired CAPTCHA options For examples, load examples.js with options for mines, csstest, waldo, trafficlight and sponsors

let captcha = new clientsidedcaptcha(examples["mines"]);

Done! When the button is pressed, the CAPTCHA will appear with your specified options, and runs your callback upon completion.

Programmatically invoke the challenge

Same steps as above, but use an invisible input

<input type="hidden" data-callback="formSubmit"/>

To invoke the challenge, use execute


Designing your own CAPTCHAs

const captchaOptions =
    image: "data:image/png;base64,",
    textIntro: "Select squares containing elements that cannot accept",
    textSubject: "css pseudo-elements",
    answerGrid: [
        0, 0,
        0, 1
Property Description
textIntro Introductory blurb (smaller font, on top)
textSubject Describes the squares to click (below textIntro, larger and in bold)
image (400px × 400px) base64 data or link that is valid in the src attribute of an <img> tag. The image will be automatically segmented based on answerGrid
answerGrid 1-dimension array that describes the correct squares to check, where 1 indicates a checked square, 0 indicates an unchecked square. The square root of items in answerGrid should be a whole number (i.e. answerGrid should contain 1/4/9/16/25/36/49/64/81/100.. items)

Take a look at examples.js for more examples.


A while ago, I encountered this and thought that I could improve on it.


"hackathon-grade" code quality (at SuperSillyHack 2018) - this might be buggy

Please try not to use it in production, though if you do, I would be glad to hear about it :^)
