
This project can be used as a template to set up Continuous integration for API proxies that is being built in Apigee Edge

Uses the following:

  • Jenkins
  • Maven
    • Static Code Analysis - JSLint
    • API Proxy validation and deployment
    • BDD Test Case execution using Apickli
  • Test Case Reports using Cucumber plugin

To execute as Standalone:

  • Clone the repo - "git clone https://github.com/jglissmann/api-ci-tools.git"

  • Go to tests folder

  • run "npm install"

  • Update the API proxy URL in "tests/integration.test/step-definitions/cricket-app-tests.js" and "tests/integration.prod/step-definitions/cricket-app-tests.js" on line number 7

      var url = '{Apigee Proxy URL}';
  • Execute: mvn install -P{profileID} -Dorganization={Apigee Edge org name} -Dusername={Apigee Edge username} -Dpassword={ApigeeEdge Password}

The profileID can be found in the pom.xml "<profiles> section". In this case we have two profiles - "test" and "prod"

Note: If the API proxy is running, you can run the Cucumber test features by executing "tests/node_modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber.js --format json:reports.json tests/integration.test"

To execute this via Jenkins (using the GitHub Pull request plugin):

Please refer to the README guide under jenkins-setup which has the information on the job and the plugins required to setup Jenkins