
GFM + Rebase relative paths incorrectly rebases URLs with Unicode characters

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Explain the problem.
When using gfm+rebase_relative_paths, URLs with Unicode/non-ASCII characters get incorrectly rebased.
For some reason, this does not seem to happen with markdown+rebase_relative_paths.

mkdir x/
echo '[text](http://example.com/ë)' > x/x.md

pandoc -f gfm+rebase_relative_paths -t html x/x.md
# <p><a href="x/http://example.com/ë">text</a></p>
#             !! leading x/

pandoc -f markdown+rebase_relative_paths -t html x/x.md
# <p><a href="http://example.com/ë">text</a></p>

Running the same example with the percent-encoded URLs results in correct output.

Pandoc version?

pandoc 3.1.8, running on Arch Linux.

Ah wow, that was a fast fix XD Thanks! (: