
Paragraphs in gfm task lists are removed when converting to gfm

lollipopman opened this issue · 1 comments

In contrast to bulleted lists, paragraphs in task lists are removed during a round trip conversion from gfm to gfm:

$ pandoc -f gfm -t gfm <<'EOF'
# Bullet List

-   Butter

    Everyone loves butter!

-   Bubbles

# Checkbox List

-   [ ] Butter

    Everyone loves butter!

-   [ ] Bubbles
# Bullet List

-   Butter

    Everyone loves butter!

-   Bubbles

# Checkbox List

-   [ ] Butter
    Everyone loves butter!
-   [ ] Bubbles

  • Pandoc version:

Perhaps this is related to jgm/pandoc#7379?

Thanks again for making an amazing piece of software!!

mb21 commented

The problem seems to be in the gfm reader:

pandoc -f gfm -t native
-   [ ] Butter

    Everyone loves butter!

-   [ ] Bubbles

 [[Plain [Str "\9744",Space,Str "Butter"]
  ,Para [Str "Everyone",Space,Str "loves",Space,Str "butter!"]]
 ,[Plain [Str "\9744",Space,Str "Bubbles"]]]]

If you do the same with -f markdown you get three Paras in the list, which is what you'd want...

This issue should probably be moved to https://github.com/jgm/commonmark-hs/, as it looks like a bug in that library...