
Pandoc hangs when using +sourcepos on markdown files ending with ordered or unordered lists

jmjjg opened this issue · 6 comments

jmjjg commented


Test files


# a

- one
- two


# b

Command used

pandoc --from commonmark+sourcepos --to native *.md


The command above hangs.

  • if I remove +sourcepos from the command, it works well
  • if I add a blank line and a dot at the end of a.md last line, it works well
  • if I use no list at the end of the file in a.md, it works well


  • pandoc 2.14.2
  • Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
jgm commented

This seems to be a commonmark-hs bug. I can reproduce it with the cli program commonmark that is built with commonmark-hs:

commonmark --sourcepos a.md b.md
jgm commented

Simpler test case:

- a


jgm commented

Result of --tokenize:

[Tok {tokType = Symbol '-', tokPos = "a.md" (line 1, column 1), tokContents = "-"},Tok {tokType = Spaces, tokPos = "a.md" (line 1, column 2), tokContents = " "},Tok {tokType = WordChars, tokPos = "a.md" (line 1, column 3), tokContents = "a"},Tok {tokType = LineEnd, tokPos = "a.md" (line 1, column 4), tokContents = "\n"},Tok {tokType = WordChars, tokPos = "b.md" (line 1, column 1), tokContents = "b"},Tok {tokType = LineEnd, tokPos = "b.md" (line 1, column 2), tokContents = "\n"}]
jgm commented

With my example, adding blank lines to the end of a.md or beginning of b.md makes no difference; it still hangs.

jgm commented

Lab note: changing the show instance for SourceRange so it doesn't use prettyShow stops this from hanging. So the hanging seems due to a bug in prettyShow.

jmjjg commented

Thank you for your quick answer. I'll wait for the next pandoc version to remove my workaround from my code.