
Deno Third Party Module

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've been experimenting with deno for typescript and importing djot would be simpler if it was submitted as a third party module. The process seems simple enough, with no real cost as far as I can tell.

Would there be interest in doing this?

Actually I think I was too hasty here.

I assumed you could just add a typescript repo directly as described here:

  1. Public Source Code + ESM + No Node APIs

If an existing project is already written with ES Modules (and preferably TypeScript) and has no dependencies on Node APIs, either in it's code or it's sub-dependencies, then you're in luck! You should be able to import these modules directly by using any URL that returns the raw code.

But after a quick look around the djot repo it seems node won't be so easily separated, and so a more involved port would be required. I'll leave this issue up for discussion for now, but we can close it if this isn't a priority any time soon. I might also make a port fork for self-learning deno anyway.

Closing for now as I don't have too much time to work on this at the moment!