
Add recursive file inclusion

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be nice to be able to include other djot documents inside a djot document. Even multiple nested inclusions.

The syntax might be: +[My poems](../my_poems.dj) or maybe even just like inclusion of images - ![My poems](../my_poems.dj) and the parser will check whether the file in question is an image and then generate <img> and if it is a text file - will replace the inclusion syntax by the content of the file and continue parsing...

Thank you!

The Alt text (in the example above - "My poems") or if not provided +[](../my_poems.dj) the file name - can be used as namespace to prepend before all kinds of identifiers (e.g. footnote ids) that should be unique, but might be the same by chance/mistake in different included files.

BTW if the syntax for links were [link text]<uri> and in short form - <uri>. File/image inclusion could, nicely, be +[Alt text]<uri/path/to/file> and in short: +<uri/path/to/file>. Laconic and consistent.