
Recent versions of pandoc swallow the leading blank line of fenced code blocks when converting from markdown to latex

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When converting a fenced code block with a leading blank line from markdown to latex, this one line doesn't appear in the output. For example,


This is the second line.


This is the second line.

This bug appears in version 2.5 and later. However, version works and preserves the leading blank line as is.

jgm commented

2.5 isn't exactly "recent"! It's over 4 years old.

Interestingly, the initial newline is preserved in the AST:

% pandoc -t native  
[ CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "test" ]
% pandoc -t native

[ CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "\ntest" ]

But the distinction is lost in converting not just to latex, but to markdown:

% pandoc -f native -t latex
[ CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "\ntest", CodeBlock ( "", [] , [] ) "test" ]


% pandoc -f native -t markdown
[ CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "\ntest", CodeBlock ( "", [] , [] ) "test" ]


In HTML output, by contrast, it is preserved:

% pandoc -f native -t html    
[ CodeBlock ( "" , [] , [] ) "\ntest", CodeBlock ( "", [] , [] ) "test" ]
jgm commented

Looking at the diffs in the LaTeX writer between and 2.5, I don't see anything that could account for this.

jgm commented

OK, I think the newline is probably getting collapsed by Text.Pandoc.Pretty (now doclayout)...

jgm commented

The issue demonstrated using just doclayout:

Prelude Text.DocLayout> render Nothing $ literal "hi" $$ literal "\nok" $$ literal "done"
Prelude Text.DocLayout> render Nothing $ literal "hi" $$ literal "ok" $$ literal "done"
jgm commented

This explains why it affects the latex and markdown writers (which use doclayout) and not HTML (which uses blaze-html for layout).