
How to pass options to pandoc?

zzjjzzgggg opened this issue · 0 comments

I set org as the default page type in gitit. However, the default pandoc options in gitit cannot correctly parse Asian language because an additional space character will be inserted in the HTML if there is a line break in the sentence in the source file (say, org).

The correct way to let pandoc parse Asian language is as follows.
pandoc -f org+east_asian_line_breaks -t html -o test.html test.org.

The problem is how to pass the correct option to pandoc? If I set default-page-type: org+east_asian_line_breaks in gitit.conf, there raises an error:

gitit: Unknown page type: org+east_asian_line_breaks
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at src/Network/Gitit/Util.hs:112:26 in gitit-

This may be related to issue #215

Please guide. Thanks!