
current hackage release doesnt support newer versions of its deps (on ghc 8.10.4 as of May 2021)

Closed this issue · 8 comments

on ghc 8.10.4, i had to iteratively come up with

➤ cabal install gitit --allow-newer=pandoc-types,QuickCheck,skylighting,pandoc,attoparsec,network,happstack-server,aeson

to get the build working

(so perse, a cabal install gitit on ghc 8.10.4 doesnt work without allow newer!)

hrmm, some of the issue was with having hackage-head enabled, but even without that, i had to do allow-newer on pandoc and pandoc-types to get cabal to construct a build plan

jgm commented

Right, this project is barely maintained at this point, and I haven't updated it in a while.
If you can confirm that newer versions work, feel free to modify gitit.cabal and submit a PR.

jgm commented

I think we accept the newest versions of everything now. (

jgm commented

I'm working on some issues with text 2 and pandoc now!

jgm commented

segfault on link. I've got an issue open on the text bug tracker and we're working on it.